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標題: Newbie in Tuggy [打印本頁]

作者: klth    時間: 2006-2-28 15:26
標題: Newbie in Tuggy
ALl Brothers,

I am a newbie in Truggies and i am so interested in HN X1-CRT..
Want to ask a few questions and concerns..

1.The avaliability of parts
2.Is it necessary to breakdown the whole Truck for cleaning/maintenance after a whole day in FSY?
3.Which parts break easily?
作者: WTO    時間: 2006-2-28 15:38
1. check the parts status in kws before u buy. eg. Niki's hobby.
2. necesary.
3. HN quality is good. But depends on u how to play.
作者: Skyline    時間: 2006-2-28 15:47
Rear spoiler is the one that breaks easily ...  
作者: crunch    時間: 2006-2-28 15:53
I’m a newbie too, so don’t count on me for correct information…..hee hee hee…..I have only gathered these information from different online forums.

The availability of parts is not to be worried in Hong Kong.  There are plenty of parts for this truggy in 11th floor 宏峰.  

Cleaning the truggy: It really depends on how hard you run it and what the track conditions are.  When I was at FSY, I got to run the CRT on the track for about 10 mins as I needed to finish the break in.  I spend about 15 mins using the air hose to clean and wipe the truck and it’s as good as new.  Just don’t let the dirt stay on for a long period of time as it gets hard to remove after.

Parts breaking:  Again…depends on how hard you play it.  Common parts are wing mount, bumper, and servo saver top plate.
作者: klth    時間: 2006-2-28 15:57
It is a terrible nightmare after having fun.....

[ 本帖最後由 klth 於 2006-2-28 15:58 編輯 ]
作者: 蔣天生    時間: 2006-2-28 15:58
Hi!等我又搭下咀先!Klth兄,Truggy仲係剛啱hit起,其他廠牌陸續有嚟!但HN X1-CRT的確唔錯,今個星期日佛山塲比賽我都用佢嚟鬥;响呢個forum,skyline兄、crunch兄同WTO兄對越野車亦相當熟識,你冇問錯人嘞!!

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