標題: Blackfoot-xtreme VS MP [打印本頁] 作者: dl7 時間: 2007-6-18 12:11 標題: Blackfoot-xtreme VS MP 玩起上黎有乜分別?
I have MP, thinking of DF03 or BX.
Thank you. 作者: Evo露筍 時間: 2007-6-18 12:47 標題: 回復 #1 dl7 的帖子 我係blackfoot車主,個人認為blackfoot比mp好玩dd.....玩速度的話換隻黑豬已經好好飛,而且冇mp咁易cup4~
缺點係4條look軸位d虛位好多........作者: dl7 時間: 2007-6-18 12:53
Yes.. my MP always CUP4......
I am using BZ motor...... 作者: AltezzaMak 時間: 2007-6-18 18:46
咩車係MP? 作者: bigben 時間: 2007-6-18 20:09
I don't like MP as it is easy to "cup 4".
not much fun in driving....作者: Evo露筍 時間: 2007-6-18 23:40 標題: 回復 #4 AltezzaMak 的帖子 MP = Midnight Pumpkin (南瓜) http://www.tamiya.com/english/products/58365pumpkin/index.htm作者: dl7 時間: 2007-6-19 00:19
I just want to ask.... is that Lunchbox also easy to cup4 as MP? 作者: GigaRacer 時間: 2007-6-19 01:53 標題: 回復 #7 dl7 的帖子 yes, Lunchbox also easy to cup4. I think both LB and MP are more fun playing off-road.作者: AltezzaMak 時間: 2007-6-19 14:30
雖然我冇玩過MP, 但有玩同一車架的LUNCH BOX經驗, 成日反車, 個殼噴幾靚都冇用, 頭輕尾重, 越野性能極低...