幾時有d咁既高人指點下我.......作者: boogie 時間: 2007-7-11 21:08
Your bB's rims are very beautiful! what's the brand of it and is it 17"?作者: TOMY(HONG) 時間: 2007-7-11 21:12
Your bB's rims are very beautiful! what's the brand of it and is it 17"?
係17吋作者: kelvinblstz 時間: 2007-7-11 21:20
大小不良~善良果個良xdxd作者: sIUcHuN 時間: 2007-7-12 01:43
TWH有難...........作者: monkichi0210 時間: 2007-7-12 02:02
oh brother tomy.....i miss you(r).... bB.............hahahaha................
and i can't believe this is your first paid m-03.....hahahaha ..............