原帖由 Sinn 於 2007-7-21 03:07 PM 發表
而motor 係yokomo 19t DRIFT
gear 係 105/34.
blue bird 631mg servo
原帖由 chrishkyung 於 2007-7-21 17:22 發表
your servo draw high current
it is heavy and not accurate...trey another servo...bluebird is no good
原帖由 chrishkyung 於 2007-7-21 17:22 發表
your servo draw high current
it is heavy and not accurate...trey another servo...bluebird is no good
原帖由 chrishkyung 於 2007-7-21 18:22 發表
BTW, your motor was installed at wrong position. The motor ventilation hole shall be faced to your cooling fan....otherwise, how can cool down the rotar by wind
原帖由 Sinn 於 2007-7-21 15:07 發表
而motor 係yokomo 19t DRIFT
gear 係 105/34.
blue bird 631mg servo
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