標題: 近日咁多二手Muchmore Charger賣嘅?? [打印本頁] 作者: bigben 時間: 2007-7-26 11:02 標題: 近日咁多二手Muchmore Charger賣嘅?? does it means this charger is not that good??
or a new model is coming??
any reason???作者: AMAT 時間: 2007-7-26 11:03
不過新機同舊機功能其實分別唔算大.....最大分別只係個LCD......作者: AlexFiona 時間: 2007-7-26 11:04
新果部"SILENT"出左新款, 黑底白字作者: pat1111 時間: 2007-7-26 11:09
噤佢又冇話特別貴, 同普通版一樣價作者: ryancmlam 時間: 2007-7-26 22:05
What about the muchmore ACDC slient charger ? It is at the same class of the slient charger i.e. at a lower class of the cell master ?