原帖由 info2victor 於 2007-8-2 17:14 發表
我都arm arm 買o左bol... 但係有個好傻o既問題,大家唔好笑...
點先叫做叉完電呀?我用慢叉叉4200叉o左幾個鐘都只係見個燈閃o下閃o下ja... 慢叉其實又要叉幾耐呢?
原帖由 binary 於 2007-8-2 17:31 發表
Depends on how many Amps you used to charge your battery.... e.g. if you use 4.2A, then your 4200mAh battery should be charged 1 hour to be full.
原帖由 binary 於 2007-8-2 17:31 發表
Depends on how many Amps you used to charge your battery.... e.g. if you use 4.2A, then your 4200mAh battery should be charged 1 hour to be full.
原帖由 info2victor 於 2007-8-2 22:48 發表
yes... but how do I know the charge is complete for the BOL charger??? Does the flash stop or...??? I waited for >1.5 hr using slow charge but seemed nothing happened... the batt. didn't even ...
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