最小車中樂條鈴 唔同d ma作者: cad 時間: 2007-8-3 23:41
charlestzehang (7): 全新成套都係4,700. 你可以平過4700嗎? 2007-07-30 20:32
tcfyyl (7):You are right. But you need to spend time and effort to make it and come to this effect. You can purchase the new one and try. And then you can understand this price is worthy. Sorry. 2007-07-30 21:04
ken886886 (1): 請問係唔係新燈,係唔係圖中全部 6200嗎 仲有係邊到交收 2007-08-03 02:39
tcfyyl (7):Hi Ken, ALL 100% NEW with cartons boxs and manuals. Price is include everthing what im listed but not charger and battery. Could u pls send your contact # to my yahoo