原帖由 tomyork 於 2007-8-5 10:29 發表
I did not notice the name of the shop.
If you facing the hospital, it locates on your left hand side and will be the 2nd model store, the 1st one is a store which sell ships.
原帖由 tomyork 於 2007-8-5 10:29 發表
I did not notice the name of the shop.
If you facing the hospital, it locates on your left hand side and will be the 2nd model store, the 1st one is a store which sell ships.
原帖由 tomyork 於 2007-8-6 20:52 發表
I saw the box, and I believed that it's the real package.
Did they just have an empty box rather than a kit?
I'm sorry about that, if I made a mistake.
So many people looking forwar ...
原帖由 tomyork 於 2007-8-8 08:38 發表
The red one is SPADA.
原帖由 anes 於 2007-8-9 11:40 發表
嘩,幫"洒家"賣廣告賣成咁(see the photo)。
原帖由 minimini 於 2007-8-11 23:49 發表
不過根據呢期嘅走勢.......似乎 "黄油蟹專家" 個價比較 ok 喎.......部 Lazer ZX5 就係好例子......所以我都入手咗一部......
原帖由 valklai 於 2007-8-23 11:20 發表
My small engine collection
From left to right ACME05, SIRIO09, SH07
原帖由 stanley_wwy 於 2007-8-24 09:40 發表
師兄想問問套呔直徑係幾多? 頭呔駛唔駛磨?
同埋d 六角位, 係咪用唔倒 10仔 d 磨呔 adaptor?
原帖由 stanley_wwy 於 2007-8-24 10:37 發表
不過唔知套呔襟唔襟行呢...接近三百蚊一套.....等你地report 先
同埋想問跟車係咪送幾粒海棉俾你stick 落 starter box 較位? 係咪 ...
原帖由 anes 於 2007-8-24 11:08 發表
原帖由 anes 於 2007-8-27 23:24 發表
油鬥servo碟上住果兩條推桿好難屈得好,比油和落brake時成日gill gill 吓,又或自己撞自己,engine個化油器原裝又啤死所以又唔可以用嚟就位,我頂
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