RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

標題: 點算呀? [打印本頁]

作者: helljc    時間: 2006-3-9 16:50
標題: 點算呀?
各位師兄, 如果我想換偈, 又發覺新偈唔fit個chassis果d holes, 咁點算呀?
作者: mark999hk    時間: 2006-3-9 16:54
原帖由 helljc 於 2006-3-9 04:50 PM 發表
各位師兄, 如果我想換偈, 又發覺新偈唔fit個chassis果d holes, 咁點算呀?

which type of car and what engine ar?
作者: helljc    時間: 2006-3-9 16:56
原帖由 mark999hk 於 2006-3-9 16:54 發表

which type of car and what engine ar?

冇呀, 忽然想起呢樣野想問下大家咋... 我邊鬼度有錢換偈呀...... 好窮架我.......
作者: mark999hk    時間: 2006-3-9 17:01
咁就 Easy 啦!攞部原裝機去買 Engine 囉!!對返個 "羅C" 位,一定 Fit~~哈哈
作者: helljc    時間: 2006-3-9 17:11
原帖由 mark999hk 於 2006-3-9 17:01 發表
咁就 Easy 啦!攞部原裝機去買 Engine 囉!!對返個 "羅C" 位,一定 Fit~~哈哈

唔係喎, o岩位果d未必係我鍾意果部偈黎架bor...... 咁點算呀?  冇理由為左個窿去買部唔鍾意既偈架....... 唔好玩我啦......
作者: mark999hk    時間: 2006-3-9 17:14
hm......you can custom made the chassis, like "moki".  He is always custom made his RC toy.
作者: helljc    時間: 2006-3-9 17:21
oh really??  is it expensive to make an own chassis??
作者: crunch    時間: 2006-3-9 19:40
No lah no lah...................The engine doesn't mount to the Chassis directly.  You have to bolt the engine to a mount, then to the chassis.  Unless you are trying to bolt a big block (>.21) on a small block car (<.18), most engines would fit.  

All if not most cars have option engine mounts for different engines.

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