原帖由 li5115 於 2007-8-8 12:05 發表
特別是 #11 前懸掛的 Pin 要加介指,Damper 柱加 O-ring(前3後4)。跟據各 brothers 的試車報告,想部車夠力同 jump 得好,最好用 T ...
原帖由 lordtony 於 2007-8-8 12:58 發表
I'm new, I want to join your family too, anyones C Hing can adv full set of car how much?
原帖由 li5115 於 2007-8-8 12:05 發表
特別是 #11 前懸掛的 Pin 要加介指,Damper 柱加 O-ring(前3後4)。跟據各 brothers 的試車報告,想部車夠力同 jump 得好,最好用 T ...
原帖由 explorer888 於 2007-8-8 20:08 發表
Pin 要加介指----> I can only got the Tamiya one, 3 racing one is out of stock...
Damper 柱加 O-ring(前3後4)-----Don't understand
I will surely join TKO offroad meeting later!
原帖由 gibson 於 2007-8-8 22:11 發表
The option oil damper is too long, so put three o-ring inside the damper sheft to shorten the lenght.
Check no.53 below:
http://bbs.rc-evo.com/viewthread.php?tid=46696&extra=page%3D ...
原帖由 explorer888 於 2007-8-9 17:00 發表
Thanks for your information. By the way, will you use harder oil in front damper?
原帖由 explorer888 於 2007-8-13 02:35 發表
Yes, I found that only need very minor modification (cut shorter is ok) so I put one in the MKII.
原帖由 explorer888 於 2007-8-13 01:43 發表
Finally completed the car. Like it so much.
http://img.photob ...
原帖由 gibson 於 2007-8-13 16:49 發表
Bro explorer888, I need to cool down a little, otherwise I will "explore your checker"
原帖由 li5115 於 2007-8-8 15:54 發表
What do expect? A basic car or the car in full options?
If the basic assembly kit, just HK$700 something.
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