原帖由 SunLi 於 2007-8-8 11:52 AM 發表
better use 13kg or higher torque servo for monster truck steering servo.
also the default setting of Savage X setting is too loose, try to set it be a bit tigher
原帖由 mark999hk 於 2007-8-8 11:54 發表
but I think 13kg is not enough~~~I think HITEC 20kg+'s servo will be better
原帖由 dio0222 於 2007-8-8 12:19 PM 發表
咁各位知唔知各牌子既13kg以上DIGITAL SERVO大約要幾$$呢??? 邊個牌子會好D呢??同埋13kg既servo夠唔力停車都有轉向呢????
原帖由 dio0222 於 2007-8-8 12:19 發表
咁各位知唔知各牌子既13kg以上DIGITAL SERVO大約要幾$$呢??? 邊個牌子會好D呢??同埋13kg既servo夠唔力停車都有轉向呢????
原帖由 BHP 於 2007-8-8 17:34 發表
我就覺得大力過 12kg 既 servo 就用唔著﹐
反正個 servo safer 受力 < 12kg.
而當你 servo safer 較硬既話﹐ landing 唔靚好易死 servo.
12kg 和 0.15s servo 已經好夠玩。
有心機既話就搞好 ...
原帖由 SunLi 於 2007-8-8 19:30 發表
Could you send me some more informations about the servo safer of Savage....
I couldn't found out the forced limit of it in the instruction manual and HPI website.... thanks!!
原帖由 BHP 於 2007-8-8 21:01 發表
Actually I don't have the "specs" of the servo saver =)
Simply use some springs and weight to test the servo saver hehe~
Or if you have a good sense of torque, use your fingers to test it ...
原帖由 dio0222 於 2007-8-9 12:52 發表
no 係savage x 個fd放比我的 但我唔要佢套控 我用番我架720套控 2車1接收 全新未落過地 engine都未著過 放比我2800 仲送多舊7.2v比roto start用 超低
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