RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

標題: 請問各位師兄savaga x轉向係用緊咩servo [打印本頁]

作者: dio0222    時間: 2007-8-8 11:38
標題: 請問各位師兄savaga x轉向係用緊咩servo
請問各位師兄savaga x轉向係用緊咩servo 因為我而家用緊3pks 一定要同digital servo 咁我玩開720 而家裝左隻hitec 既5245 落去 架車停就轉唔到 一行都轉到 咁就想問下師兄你地提意應該用幾kg以上既SERVO 停車先轉到呢 10KG以上得唔得呢???? THZ各位師兄
作者: SunLi    時間: 2007-8-8 11:52
better use 13kg or higher torque servo for monster truck steering servo.
also the default setting of Savage X setting is too loose, try to set it be a bit tigher
作者: mark999hk    時間: 2007-8-8 11:54
原帖由 SunLi 於 2007-8-8 11:52 AM 發表
better use 13kg or higher torque servo for monster truck steering servo.
also the default setting of Savage X setting is too loose, try to set it be a bit tigher

but I think 13kg is not enough~~~I think HITEC 20kg+'s servo will be better
and i will prefer savage doesn't need to use fast servo.......PCM receiveris enough (also, the sevo will be cheaper)

[ 本帖最後由 mark999hk 於 2007-8-8 11:57 編輯 ]
作者: SunLi    時間: 2007-8-8 11:57
原帖由 mark999hk 於 2007-8-8 11:54 發表

but I think 13kg is not enough~~~I think HITEC 20kg+'s servo will be better

I was using 13kg servo to play with you last time!! How was it???
作者: Oakfield    時間: 2007-8-8 11:59
13KGS is OK ka lar; I was used last time
作者: mark999hk    時間: 2007-8-8 11:59
原帖由 SunLi 於 2007-8-8 11:57 AM 發表

I was using 13kg servo to play with you last time!! How was it???

yes, I am using 13kg (KO servo) too~~~the comment is~~~"ok la"
作者: dio0222    時間: 2007-8-8 12:19
標題: THZ 各位師兄
咁各位知唔知各牌子既13kg以上DIGITAL SERVO大約要幾$$呢??? 邊個牌子會好D呢??同埋13kg既servo夠唔力停車都有轉向呢????

[ 本帖最後由 dio0222 於 2007-8-8 12:24 編輯 ]
作者: mark999hk    時間: 2007-8-8 12:31
原帖由 dio0222 於 2007-8-8 12:19 PM 發表
咁各位知唔知各牌子既13kg以上DIGITAL SERVO大約要幾$$呢??? 邊個牌子會好D呢??同埋13kg既servo夠唔力停車都有轉向呢????

Sorry, I have no idea about the dig. servo
作者: dio0222    時間: 2007-8-8 12:35
標題: 回復 #8 mark999hk 的帖子
o....................咁咪無人HELP ME.................
作者: mark999hk    時間: 2007-8-8 12:38
原帖由 dio0222 於 2007-8-8 12:35 PM 發表
o....................咁咪無人HELP ME.................

why you don't use the pcm~~more choice with the servo and cheaper
作者: dio0222    時間: 2007-8-8 12:44
標題: 回復 #10 mark999hk 的帖子
我想家 不過又要買過套MONDULE 接收 咁買2手又驚佢有暗病 咁咪唔諗囉 一個接收用2架車囉

[ 本帖最後由 dio0222 於 2007-8-8 12:46 編輯 ]
作者: mark999hk    時間: 2007-8-8 12:48
原帖由 dio0222 於 2007-8-8 12:44 PM 發表
我想家 不過又要買過套MONDULE 接收 咁買2手又驚佢有暗病 咁咪唔諗囉 一個接收用2架車囉

ok~~where do you play the savage ka? can we go to play together~~~and TKO is a best place for that pig too
作者: dio0222    時間: 2007-8-8 13:01
標題: 回復 #12 mark999hk 的帖子
我無所謂家 我住圍村的 就算唔出tko 我係屋企附近都有得玩的
我想問下futaba s9152呢隻servo岩唔岩放入去servo saver度呢 因為我睇好似比9451大左d個啵 我而家用9451 都仲有少少位 我就唔知9152岩唔岩位 9451就咁
作者: SunLi    時間: 2007-8-8 15:11
原帖由 dio0222 於 2007-8-8 12:19 發表
咁各位知唔知各牌子既13kg以上DIGITAL SERVO大約要幾$$呢??? 邊個牌子會好D呢??同埋13kg既servo夠唔力停車都有轉向呢????

I'm using KO 2364(13kg/0.13) be my Savage X steering servo...it is digital and quite reliable.
It is good enough torque on steering even your car is move or stay.

Also I have tried Futaba 9351(13kg/0.13) and Hitec 5955(24kg/0.15) on my truggy steering,
the Futaba one got build-in heatsink, and Hitec one got really high torque but slower speed. Both price is about the same $7XX,
need to see what you looking for..speed or torque.... and what is your transmitter/receiver using ...
作者: dio0222    時間: 2007-8-8 15:41
標題: 回復 #14 SunLi 的帖子
但係 我都係覺得futaba or hitec會好d
作者: SunLi    時間: 2007-8-8 15:45
作者: dio0222    時間: 2007-8-8 16:47
標題: 回復 #16 SunLi 的帖子
hec 有無得賣你講緊果3種servo家   有無師兄知道 futaba 既s9156賣緊幾錢呢???

[ 本帖最後由 dio0222 於 2007-8-8 17:01 編輯 ]
作者: BHP    時間: 2007-8-8 17:34
我就覺得大力過 12kg 既 servo 就用唔著﹐
反正個 servo safer 受力 < 12kg.
而當你 servo safer 較硬既話﹐ landing 唔靚好易死 servo.

12kg 和 0.15s servo 已經好夠玩。
作者: dio0222    時間: 2007-8-8 17:39
標題: 回復 #18 BHP 的帖子
我唔係黎玩泥地家 我黎玩平地家咋 我係至在玩起圍果d野家咋
作者: SunLi    時間: 2007-8-8 19:30
原帖由 BHP 於 2007-8-8 17:34 發表
我就覺得大力過 12kg 既 servo 就用唔著﹐
反正個 servo safer 受力 < 12kg.
而當你 servo safer 較硬既話﹐ landing 唔靚好易死 servo.

12kg 和 0.15s servo 已經好夠玩。
有心機既話就搞好 ...

Could you send me some more informations about the servo safer of Savage....
I couldn't found out the forced limit of it in the instruction manual and HPI website....  thanks!!
作者: BHP    時間: 2007-8-8 21:01
原帖由 SunLi 於 2007-8-8 19:30 發表
Could you send me some more informations about the servo safer of Savage....
I couldn't found out the forced limit of it in the instruction manual and HPI website....  thanks!!

Actually I don't have the "specs" of the servo saver =)

Simply use some springs and weight to test the servo saver hehe~
Or if you have a good sense of torque, use your fingers to test it  

My recommendation is to use the softest spring rate for servo saver,
especially if playing offroad.
Otherwise the servo can easily die in a matter of minutes under bad landings.

Some brothers like to set the servo saver to a stiffer setting,
and think it's more direct.
Well, it might be, but they have to pay the price of the servo  

[ 本帖最後由 BHP 於 2007-8-8 21:04 編輯 ]
作者: SunLi    時間: 2007-8-8 21:44
原帖由 BHP 於 2007-8-8 21:01 發表

Actually I don't have the "specs" of the servo saver =)

Simply use some springs and weight to test the servo saver hehe~
Or if you have a good sense of torque, use your fingers to test it   ...

作者: dio0222    時間: 2007-8-9 08:21
最後決定買左隻s9165 24kg 勁好轉向而家 先至係買$$740 勁低 買隻9351都$$750 咁都係決定買9165 個servo 外殼仲要係matel既添 勁低
作者: dio0222    時間: 2007-8-9 09:49
標題: 回復 #24 RedWolf 的帖子
係呀 勁低 又好力 又夠硬 因為佢係for air用 所以個servo殼係用metal做 so勁低 搞掂哂架車 今晚收工落做試水戰先 唔知原裝車起唔起到圍呢???

[ 本帖最後由 dio0222 於 2007-8-9 09:51 編輯 ]
作者: SunLi    時間: 2007-8-9 11:01
speed 0.19...
Is your Savage X SS kit?
作者: dio0222    時間: 2007-8-9 12:52
標題: 回復 #26 SunLi 的帖子
no 係savage x 個fd放比我的 但我唔要佢套控 我用番我架720套控 2車1接收  全新未落過地 engine都未著過 放比我2800 仲送多舊7.2v比roto start用 超低

[ 本帖最後由 dio0222 於 2007-8-9 12:53 編輯 ]
作者: SunLi    時間: 2007-8-9 15:56
原帖由 dio0222 於 2007-8-9 12:52 發表
no 係savage x 個fd放比我的 但我唔要佢套控 我用番我架720套控 2車1接收  全新未落過地 engine都未著過 放比我2800 仲送多舊7.2v比roto start用 超低

底喎! 我年幾前出沙XRTR要三仟幾...

作者: Oakfield    時間: 2007-8-9 16:04
香港無地方養豬; 豬農上曬大陛
作者: dio0222    時間: 2007-8-10 08:47
標題: 回復 #28 SunLi 的帖子
好呀 不過比我熟架車先啦 熟左720要再下先知點control 沙豬

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