[ 本帖最後由 kaho0338 於 2007-8-12 02:31 編輯 ]作者: Administrator 時間: 2007-8-12 03:09
you should change ur gear ratio. like "kaho0338" says
Try the gear ratio between 7.8 to 8.35. (Which means you'll need to use the 105 tooth Spur and a pinion gear that matches it)
i run mine with a Trinity 13turn Triple Mod engine, just make sure also that ur tyres can handle it作者: zoozoo 時間: 2007-8-12 20:57
13T试下7.3左右啦,6.5真系细佐D作者: ko_bob 時間: 2007-8-12 21:25
我而家用70T 大齒 19T motor 齒 係 8.2:1 ratio 但係都唔係好顛! 等冇雨先落街試清楚作者: gordonleung 時間: 2007-8-12 22:01
13T 可以試下用6.9 - 7.1, 起圍速度都ok作者: ko_bob 時間: 2007-8-13 14:04
我好驚!我係TA05 新手!我而家ratio 係 8.2 : 1!
架車行到盡個時!個D齒輪發出D 好高音既 we we 聲!
係咪 motor 轉數過高?我又驚燒 motor !
轉數慢得制又會燒 esc !快得制又傷 motor! motor 說明書又冇講用咩 ratio 係安全! >___<"作者: Administrator 時間: 2007-8-13 17:07
The only real way to test the setup is to drive ur car on the track.
The obvious "We Weee...." sounds are from the motor.
If you are really, really scare that you might blow up something , Use a Multimeter, connect it to the motor. And check how much the current reading. (hopefully ur instruction will tell you how much current the motor chows)
Just to let you know thou, the higher ratio is used for tight tracks. as i drive around the track like a tank driver 作者: gordonleung 時間: 2007-8-15 22:10
發出wewe聲, 有可能係齒輪裝得太緊, 如果你有fd玩開車既, 最好俾佢睇下啦.