Gears..... the internal gears are more easy to break in shaft drive.!!
但係皮帶既反應會唔會比較差呢,同埋係咪兩駕都可用直電? thanks Gibson 兄作者: info2victor 時間: 2007-9-13 18:22
I myself have a tb evo v and I just love it. Personally I believe shaft cars can attain top speed a bit faster than belt cars so for running it's good enough.
I haven't tried 05ms but I did tried ta05. Of coz it can't compare to evo5 but somehow I feel it's more "steady". I guess this would be the same for 05ms and belt cars in general.
In my opinion for drifting purpose both type of cars can do that. It's more about the tyres and dampers.
evo can surely use vertical batt., as I'm using that now. 作者: gibson 時間: 2007-9-13 18:30