原帖由 師傅東 於 2007-9-24 21:37 發表
Kyosho Lazer ZX-5全車配備係俾競賽用嘅!Double pad slipper、alloy shocks、carbon composite chassis.......etc. Tamiya DF03係俾入門者玩嘅!根本兩者無得比較!要比嘅就揾501X啦!
原帖由 lamcwai 於 2007-9-24 23:37 發表
原帖由 師傅東 於 2007-9-24 23:59 發表
我跑開室內場嗰架ZX-5只option咗金屬頭臂碼、四輪金屬adptor、尾萬向、同金屬油壓架個bulkhead 咁大把!五至六佰搞掂!501X買返嚟都有啲嘢改o架!頭/中單向咁都要幾佰啦!
兩架 ...
原帖由 Brushless 於 2007-9-25 18:38 發表
Thank you for your helpful and concise comment
may I ask if I want to play in TRC, any set-up suggestion for the ZX-5
原帖由 mikewu 於 2008-12-13 11:40 發表
Here is mine and brother "lilomay's" in action a few weeks ago... (2 out of top 3 cars are ZX5s!!!)
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