RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

標題: 煞車問題 [打印本頁]

作者: WallaceNg    時間: 2007-9-28 13:11
標題: 煞車問題
作者: 觀星是答案    時間: 2007-9-28 13:13
o甘都要睇下你隻手指有無線性 o既 ~

同埋架車 o既 setup 亦好重要
作者: ice1234    時間: 2007-9-28 13:18

[ 本帖最後由 ice1234 於 2007-9-28 13:20 編輯 ]
作者: lkfandy    時間: 2007-9-28 13:22
如果用頭單會好大機會打白鴿轉, 不關電變線唔線性!
作者: xrvct    時間: 2007-9-28 14:01
玩brushless用drag break,頭單打白鴿o既情況會好好多
作者: Brushless    時間: 2007-9-28 14:42
原帖由 xrvct 於 2007-9-28 14:01 發表
玩brushless用drag break,頭單打白鴿o既情況會好好多

the drag brake you mentioned is in fact the default setting for Novak GTB, am I right?
作者: WallaceNg    時間: 2007-9-28 21:21
作者: jasonbb    時間: 2007-9-28 21:43
作者: Brushless    時間: 2007-9-29 00:08
In fact even for real car, if you apply sudden brake when you are racing at high speed, you car can spin. A lot of factors count:
If you try to turn right or left at the same time when you apply brake, of course the car spin. for the same reason, if the setting of your car isn't neutral, say the front wheels slightly tilts to one side, your car can spin when you apply sudden brake.
This depends on the friction between the ground and your left and right tyres,  in turn depends on the conditions of the track and your tyres/setting. Say the traction of the right side is higher, then you car may spin to right when you apply sudden brake.
3)Weight balancing of your car.
If the left side of your car is much heavier than the right, you car may spin to right when you apply sudden brake.

I think there are still a lot of other factors, the above is just my two cents
作者: Brushless    時間: 2007-9-29 00:10
However I think the ESC setting is a relatively minor contributing factor

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