[ 本帖最後由 kaho0338 於 2007-10-6 01:29 編輯 ]作者: killmela 時間: 2007-10-6 01:46
幾錢個嫁~~因為我係澳門人 睇唔到價錢~~作者: 長崎良尾 時間: 2007-10-6 01:56
其實用鋰電.起碼都要用20c...細c果"d"電好快瓜....作者: GigaRacer 時間: 2007-10-6 02:31
Not necessary to add Lipo cut-off. Just change battery once you feel the car is slowing down.
Not necessary to add Lipo cut-off. Just change battery once you feel the car is slowing down.
no need to add 電容
但係我聽d人講加電容好爆d既~~~作者: Canvin 時間: 2007-10-6 10:24
加電容部車係爆D..不過塊電用得都快D..我之前加過電容玩過一排..作者: killmela 時間: 2007-10-6 12:01
ICIC THANKS~~~作者: pgm250 時間: 2007-10-6 12:53
請問3cell電,用4cell (#5471)Novak Smart-Stop Li-Po Cut-Off Module,得唔得?會唔會過早cut-off!!~~THX~~作者: GigaRacer 時間: 2007-10-6 14:45 標題: 回復 10# 的帖子 will cut too late or won't cut at all.作者: pgm250 時間: 2007-10-6 15:02
因為4 cell電降到12.5v就cut-off.如果用3 cell電,差滿電都係得11.1v...會唔會直頭唔working?
SMART-STOP Li-Po Battery Cut-Off Circuit
•read completely before installation or set-up•
The Smart-Stop monitors the Li-Po’s voltage & safely cuts off the ESC’s throttle output when the voltage drops below a safe level--6.25V for 2-Cell Smart-Stop (#5470), 9.375V for 3-Cell (#5472), & 12.5V for 4-Cell (#5471).作者: calvinpun2000 時間: 2007-10-6 15:06
一開始就cut-off~作者: pgm250 時間: 2007-10-6 15:17
超........貪平bid左個4cell,之前又無check清楚...買來無Q用......作者: 蒙古殺手 時間: 2007-10-6 17:04
原帖由 pgm250
因為4 cell電降到12.5v就cut-off.如果用3 cell電,差滿電都係得11.1v...會唔會直頭唔working?<br />
5000mah 10c = 2* 2500mah 20c (discharging current for both 5000mah10c and 2500mah 20c are 50a, no difference for your ESC. yet, 5000mah lasts twice the time of 2500mah)
price: 2500mah 20c = 2* 5000mah 10c
but of course, 5000mah 20c is far more better than 5000mah 10c, and the price, meanwhile will be far more expensive.