係咪有其他雙星車款共用呢隻saver 呢?作者: eddywon 時間: 2007-10-19 19:22
I think all tamiya 1:10 servo savers are the same..... I bought one set from Waigo at about 40-.......作者: stanley_wwy 時間: 2007-10-19 20:33 標題: 回復 2# 的帖子 唔該師兄....
又要再俾 $40 換過 set tim !作者: eddywon 時間: 2007-10-19 20:52
The one I bought is steel instead of plastic. I don't know whether it will become loose easily. However, you cannot live without it ar.作者: stanley_wwy 時間: 2007-10-19 21:56 標題: 回復 4# 的帖子 不過呢隻saver 真係雞d......我慢車掂一掂條"駁"......bak一聲就爛咗......d 膠好脆吓....但係個saver 又冇解体喎......救唔倒自己