[ 本帖最後由 klchan6 於 2007-10-28 03:05 編輯 ]作者: i-Drift 時間: 2007-10-24 09:43
I like No. 4作者: WallaceNg 時間: 2007-10-24 09:49
i would choose no.2
no.1 有個彎好勉強
no.3 大簡單
just my opinion作者: klchan6 時間: 2007-10-24 10:00
plas tell more!! i need more info!! thx all!!作者: WallaceNg 時間: 2007-10-25 07:27
你最後過個係行唔到架 no.5作者: klchan6 時間: 2007-10-25 08:35
yes it was not work!!作者: mikewu 時間: 2007-10-25 08:56
What kind of track this is? For 1:10 offroad? 1:8 GP offroad? Or 1:18 offroad? Outdoor or Indoor? Please be specific so that we can give comment.作者: klchan6 時間: 2007-10-25 11:01
The track will be 1:10 offroad or 1:18 offroad, Outdoor!!作者: 0433351410 時間: 2007-10-25 11:24
Where is it ar? 作者: klchan6 時間: 2007-10-25 11:52
大埔汀角村對面紅樹林燒烤場!!作者: klchan6 時間: 2007-10-26 09:23
the track finish 80%, can use soon!! will up date photo later soon!!作者: WallaceNg 時間: 2007-10-26 09:29
onroad la整作者: klchan6 時間: 2007-10-26 09:38
no la!
i like offroad! and offroad feel very good!! once you play offroad you will love it!作者: 0433351410 時間: 2007-10-26 17:33
how big is this, when will be work and how much per day ar ? 作者: aloha 時間: 2007-10-26 20:15
where are the 跳台 for each layout?作者: Brushless 時間: 2007-10-26 20:16
是開放的嗎?有多大,大過TRC buggy場嗎?跳台放在邊D位呢?
我選No.4,因自己喜歡打橫行多D作者: WallaceNg 時間: 2007-10-26 22:45
如果冇跳台我扲部tt01去玩作者: Brushless 時間: 2007-10-26 23:03 標題: 回復 17# 的帖子 如果喺真嘅buggy場,就算冇跳台TT01都應該行唔到。作者: klchan6 時間: 2007-10-27 00:08
the 跳台 not design! will make it later! so any comment?作者: 師傅東 時間: 2007-10-27 11:09
幾好丫! 跳台可以慢慢搞! 最緊要係洒水系統 晌鋪track前裝好!作者: Brushless 時間: 2007-10-27 15:48 標題: 回復 20# 的帖子 唔喺又要請師傅你得閒時義務洒洒水作者: bigben 時間: 2007-10-27 16:04
add oil !!!!作者: klchan6 時間: 2007-10-28 10:49
come have a look!!作者: klchan6 時間: 2007-10-28 11:00
come have a look!!作者: klchan6 時間: 2007-10-29 08:55
you can come mon to sun! 站時,場是免費的,只是會收回差電費30元一天!如不差電不收費! come before call is always better!!作者: klchan6 時間: 2007-11-5 23:49
我要買架車 for 看門口!! which is good??作者: 馬田 時間: 2007-11-7 23:11