作者: maxturboxp 時間: 2007-11-2 02:40
成架車定淨車殼呀??作者: Administrator 時間: 2007-11-2 04:35
i wish the whole car was sold for that price
but the shell looks quite good. Congratulations on your bargain find!作者: AlexFiona 時間: 2007-11-2 04:48
邊間廠出比M03用架? 幾靚仔噤喎作者: WallaceNg 時間: 2007-11-2 08:06
定係你話d貼子啊??作者: courel500 時間: 2007-11-2 08:33
正 ! M03 都可以用到呢 D 跑殼 !作者: SpidermanRC 時間: 2007-11-2 10:23
Are you talking 跑殼 $58? If yes, buy one for me la...作者: 傑佬 時間: 2007-11-2 20:11