標題: mini-z隻86黑頭同白頭分別幾銀?? [打印本頁] 作者: 椰禮 時間: 2007-11-14 00:46 標題: mini-z隻86黑頭同白頭分別幾銀?? 想知個價想儲銀買
不過唔知頭d同白頭差左d咩唔計頭d既車牌字樣之類作者: gibson 時間: 2007-11-14 00:48
AE86 white head with Initial D is extremely difficult to find la. If only AE86 white head is around HKD150-170作者: billy86che 時間: 2007-11-14 08:14
I've seen ordinary white headed 86 only $120. The black headed initial D 86 only $170.作者: 椰禮 時間: 2007-11-14 18:54
買個$120白殼改做頭d殼都得bo作者: billy86che 時間: 2007-11-15 07:12
I also have the same idea but only don't how to print the japanese wording!!
I did it before but I didn't have the water-proof printer and ink then. If I do it again, it will be quite easy now. All we need is some transparent stickers for nowadays printers.作者: 椰禮 時間: 2007-11-16 00:31
難就難在隻頭燈姐作者: billy86che 時間: 2007-11-16 16:56