1. Not balanced. But I guess this is even better because tracks are usually clockwise.
2. A more rigid chassis is usually more suitable for a track with more traction.作者: titanfy 時間: 2007-12-23 01:46
系唔系好控左?改左比原來有乜有點先????作者: billy86che 時間: 2007-12-23 23:10
介膠~唔好用死力片落去~應該用到....作者: billy86che 時間: 2007-12-30 13:40
I was just lazy. I should have used the "circle-like" saw with the Dremel. It won't melt the plastic so easily and it will be more accurate.作者: billy86che 時間: 2008-3-11 10:52