多謝呀~~我都好心急快d放下架車先~~~作者: ryancmlam 時間: 2007-12-16 17:34
Bro RSW,
how's the performance of your new DB01 today作者: RSW 時間: 2007-12-17 11:00
但後尾發覺個後波唔係幾妥,入後波行得好慢(我用V16R),我驚住又燒o左個電變(星期五試車因為技術問題燒鬼o左個V16R,要拿拿臨買個隻星期日開車~~慘 ~),所以就唔敢再玩,一路淨係片架WW2咋~~作者: go2usie 時間: 2007-12-17 15:17
RSX~ your All black avante is cool~
Please do your best setting for our next race~~作者: go2usie 時間: 2007-12-17 15:17
Brotherhood had a photo before race~~作者: Evo5 時間: 2007-12-17 15:21
GO2usie are u the one who drive the pink one ??作者: go2usie 時間: 2007-12-17 15:22 標題: 回復 13# 的帖子 hi EVO5 ~
Yes i m ~作者: agentjerry 時間: 2007-12-17 22:43