真係好靚.(由其是個碼仔) D力落晒個殼度,小心爆殼.
幾時整頂架呀! 作者: minimini 時間: 2007-12-24 00:36
bro carman.........would you mind to show us how to secure the shell to the chassis ??........Thx !!作者: eddywon 時間: 2007-12-24 00:53 標題: 回復 10# 的帖子 Hey man, the little clamp is bought in MK reclamation street ja.
Surely will improve the anchor la, better built on the chassis.......
I have got a far far way from good skill ar..... 作者: eddywon 時間: 2007-12-24 00:55
Moreover, my CC-01 chassis is short one and have to buy the VW Touareg to fit the defender shell la..... one more K la..... 作者: eddywon 時間: 2007-12-24 00:56 標題: 回復 10# 的帖子 I noticed that you use the metal piece from PC case for your rear hanger wor !! good idea wor !!!! 作者: carmanae86 時間: 2007-12-24 00:57
您送比我個DIY頂架, 咪種king:victory:作者: eddywon 時間: 2007-12-24 10:04
Hi carman,
it's a very rough version, pls make it good by yourself la.
I can find the "rope net" with small "net eye" but it is too cheap....... 140- 6 ft x 60 ft ar..... I wanted to buy it and share with Bros. But this 360 sq.ft. need hundreds of bros sharing ar...... 作者: eddywon 時間: 2007-12-24 16:44 標題: 改良版拖車架 聽完兄弟們意見,拿拿聲改咗個拖車架,未必係最好,但係都唔駛爆殼先!