淨fet佢唔會賣比你.作者: terencelyl7411 時間: 2008-1-15 07:21
Yes , KWS have , $300 x 6/pcs Atomic 4562作者: ten-ex 時間: 2008-1-15 09:58
China can buy 4562 for $10 per piece. but it is China made.作者: sumandy 時間: 2008-1-15 10:37
俾幾十人地幫你焊仲好lar. 起碼唔駛驚先 (如果你係焊接高手除外)作者: ice1234 時間: 2008-1-15 12:52
不過4562 已經out 左! 依家用第2隻ga la!作者: Ang 時間: 2008-1-15 15:59 標題: FET choice
不過4562 已經out 左! 依家用第2隻ga la!
I remember that a few years ago, there was the IVR7439 or something, then there was the 4562. How about today's FET? What kind of FET do Mini-Zer user right now?作者: sumandy 時間: 2008-1-15 20:54
...................作者: nikeid 時間: 2008-1-15 21:05