ps. 我都有玩tamiya 1/16 king tiger & m26 pershing作者: hatakashi 時間: 2008-1-18 19:50
打算買埋1/16 panther 同 Jagdpanther作者: WTO 時間: 2008-1-18 19:55
tamiya 又唔出 m1a1 .... 唉作者: hatakashi 時間: 2008-1-18 20:02
佢地覺得二戰坦克會有多D fans卦 作者: ERIXON 時間: 2008-1-18 20:41
雪景好正呀~作者: tiger1 時間: 2008-1-18 22:38
a lot to clean up ah 作者: hatakashi 時間: 2008-1-18 23:05
hehehe as long as the mud/clay isn't rock hard and really stuck between the road wheels all I have to do is to WD40 the suspension arms. And once dried, most stuff would fall of 作者: missingdorami 時間: 2008-1-18 23:43
c hing車頭個兵甩咗副超同頂帽呀作者: hatakashi 時間: 2008-1-18 23:48
果張係未幫佢買副超同頂帽之前影既 作者: tiger1 時間: 2008-1-19 12:46
My experience with snow was not too good. A lot of time the city would sprinkle salt on the snow to get it melt faster, the salty snow cause a bit of corrosion if it was not clean up properly. Another problem is that when the snow got hard packed between the road wheel and the track then it may throw the track.
It was definitely fun to drive on snow though. 作者: hatakashi 時間: 2008-1-19 17:05
hehehehehe just sounds like the real Tiger 1 mate but KT's road wheels aren't as "inter-leaved" as Tiger 1 so it was quite fine.
Plus at 1/6 scale it needs quite a bit snow before it's jammed