有幾千萬不如玩真車1比1果d作者: pig 時間: 2008-1-25 17:28
睇見我都想試下作者: chrishkyung 時間: 2008-1-25 17:55
yes, i like fly jump....its super high作者: oliver 時間: 2008-1-25 18:14
竟然激過我?作者: ftbingobingo 時間: 2008-1-25 19:49
hmhmhm..... , I think if you go TKO this sunday and it is raining at the same time, you will see the same things. Few months ago, 4 buggies and a savage played an one hour "water battle" , it was a great fun but you may need change all outside bearing after that作者: StarBuck 時間: 2008-1-25 19:58
DIRTY左先有滿足作者: 艷男通渠佬 時間: 2008-1-28 02:24 標題: 回復 5# 的帖子 真車 抄車死路一條作者: blackhawk 時間: 2008-1-31 01:54
Yes, Yes, that is what my style too, crazy drive is so funny 作者: 保時捷 時間: 2008-2-1 21:24
咁樣唔會對架車有影響的嗎?作者: 藍毛毛 時間: 2008-2-1 21:26 標題: 回復 1# 的帖子 冇乜特別吖,似自殘多D