M-O3R 咪已經有啤鈴囉..作者: jas 時間: 2008-1-30 13:12
IMHO the M03R is all show and no go. The chrome chassis that flakes off, the translucent plastic shocks, alum. for bling only.
I would have bought the kit if it came with TRF shocks, universals, and ball diff. But it has none of those. 作者: wcypenny 時間: 2008-1-31 01:45
珠差我去偉x問,佢話得番53070呢隻,係魔鬼魚用架(應該)都岩,但我睇個樣又唔似喎,我地係咪應該用53267呢??真係頭都大作者: wcypenny 時間: 2008-1-31 01:47
universals<----係乜??作者: wcypenny 時間: 2008-1-31 01:48
萬向用乜牌子好呀??作者: minimini 時間: 2008-1-31 01:48
萬向狗骨.....original Tamiya option is the best........ 作者: GigaRacer 時間: 2008-1-31 02:03
M03R come with short springs? If not, you need to get TRF short springs too.作者: li5115 時間: 2008-1-31 11:29