原帖由 minimini 於 2008-3-21 10:10 發表
inside photo........
原帖由 Eddie168 於 2008-3-21 10:21 發表
the new cat look fantasic better than i thought it would look like, but the only thing i don't like about it is the battery layout 3 and 3 like most of the car is still ok but not 4 and 2
原帖由 minimini 於 2008-3-28 22:56 發表
同意.......呢套傳動係非常之咁笨撮.........好明顯遲 d 係會出一套傳動 upgrade kit........化繁(煩)為簡.......
so.....就算 hk 而家有得賣.......我都係唔會買住......
原帖由 minimini 於 2008-3-29 01:08 發表
喺幅相裡面.......見到大减牙 (個位咁窄,改唔改到 slipper 都成問題) 之後.......仲有一隻牙用嚟改變轉動方向..........然後先到皮帶轆........
呢個 design.......非常差...........又嘈又 ...
原帖由 minimini 於 2008-3-29 01:31 發表
咁搞法......我寧願要番部 Cat 3000 算嘞.......
如果佢就咁攞部 Mi-3 改長臂 & 長油壓架.....加 buggy 壳 & 風翼.......都冇咁嬲吖........
原帖由 tiger1 於 2008-3-29 16:31 發表
I think this new cat makes a lot of sense.
BTW, what is the next Yokomo buggy?
原帖由 minimini 於 2008-3-30 14:32 發表
I think Yokomo will have their own method........in order to make it a popular car soon........
原帖由 tiger1 於 2008-9-21 00:13 發表
But I do not like the chassis, why can't they just cut some battery slots!!
原帖由 tiger1 於 2008-9-21 00:13 發表
But I do not like the chassis, why can't they just cut some battery slots!!
原帖由 tiger1 於 2008-11-19 08:34 發表
but for this cat, I really think there is not much that can be modified otherwise
原帖由 buggy 於 2009-2-2 15:24 發表
HKD30xx from Jet......Where is the Reivew? I could not find it....thanks
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