請各位車友俾D意外我呢? 作者: Administrator 時間: 2008-2-14 23:42
Depends on what type of driving you are going into, you will need to get different engine and tires.
The other thing is your budget of spending. you may not need to buy the top of the range stuff for the car.
best advice for now is that, browse on the archive and learn more about car setup first. and then go to KWS to check whats available. don't want you to spend unnecessary money 作者: tungkee 時間: 2008-2-15 00:29
電變就要好d(GTB) , motor 就睇你玩乜野場就返用乜野motor !!作者: cowboy 時間: 2008-2-15 17:01
GTB故然好,不過要睇你嘅預算。我覺得TA05台xxxBR+8.5套裝都唔錯。速道有,價錢適中,電變多嘢玩。你初初可以set慢D,玩熟咗可以set番正常快。作者: casper 時間: 2008-2-16 12:28
唔該幾位 ^_^