標題: 有冇人玩過呢套火箭推進器 [打印本頁] 作者: Skyline 時間: 2008-2-22 10:24 標題: 有冇人玩過呢套火箭推進器 有冇師兄試過呢套 Nitrous Injection kit ?係咪真係好堅呢? 賣成 $194.5 作者: rk2 時間: 2008-2-22 10:35
this is a toy ( dummy) or really work ? US$195 ? look so real wow. 作者: Evo5 時間: 2008-2-22 11:54
WA !!! 好似有個义廚tim喎作者: valklai 時間: 2008-2-22 12:37
twin engine is already over power,
If intall all equipment like this, it's only all the time wheelie happen(use less).
I think its only to furnish and decorate.作者: boogie 時間: 2008-2-22 12:40
咁勁???!!!!車架會唔會頂唔順?作者: WallaceNg 時間: 2008-2-22 13:01
我見到單車用具都有過幾支,唔知咩黎架作者: chrishkyung 時間: 2008-2-22 14:06
it is typical style of those ghost men作者: Skyline 時間: 2008-2-22 16:42 其實我都有D興趣,不過未睇清楚應該點裝落車度,如果安裝方面冇技術上嘅問題 ..... 作者: WTO 時間: 2008-2-22 16:50
抬頭抬到pk 作者: toto 時間: 2008-2-22 19:01
可能同真車一樣,是用(痰)氣,按鈕加速.作者: dendrobium 時間: 2008-2-22 23:27 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92lpSQT1ZRY
呢樣野ge功能係咪淨係識噴煙=.="作者: tiger1 時間: 2008-2-23 14:52
Supercharger on a 2 stroke engine is already stupid, now get nitrous? We got nitromethane in the fuel already, want more power get fuel with higher nitromethane. Want a new engine? Do not need to kill it like this. Just get a hammer.