標題: Anyone try this battery before ? [打印本頁] 作者: terencelyl7411 時間: 2008-2-27 20:03 標題: Anyone try this battery before ? 哈 有冇人用過呢?
唔知同 orion 有冇得揮呢~?
另外仲有隻 Squat match 出黎既 IB 750 , 果隻玩過都唔差作者: scalpel 時間: 2008-2-27 20:04
You test it for us! and let us know how's the performance! 作者: terencelyl7411 時間: 2008-2-27 20:37
原帖由 <i>scalpel</i> 於 2008-2-27 08:04 PM 發表
You test it for us! and let us know how's the performance!