有冇睇過隻珠差?作者: Molala2 時間: 2008-4-27 12:14
車呔未痴好 作者: jaccs 時間: 2008-4-27 12:34
想問吓,隻珠差其實係點解會影響到跳轆架呢?因為我無check過珠差,我自己主要係check狗骨同埋A比C座同埋轉向果部份,但係唔多明師兄點解會話關珠差事,能否講解吓呢?thx. ,車呔未check過,不過放落第二部車TF2就無事O既..thx.作者: tc3driver 時間: 2008-4-27 13:47
因為珠差柸磨損,和狗骨磨擦不暢順,所以轉呔時跳動.(直呔時躁音較少,所以不易察覺)作者: jaccs 時間: 2008-4-27 14:09
O岩O岩睇過,珠差同埋狗骨都完好,咁仲有無其他見議呢?作者: WallaceNg 時間: 2008-4-27 14:12
車身高,車胎咬?作者: anes 時間: 2008-4-27 14:14
I also think it is 車呔, you may put the 車呔 in different order in the TF2, so it's still possible.
or your tire simply touch the shell during extreme angle steering