It seems powerful and cool 作者: paulaner 時間: 2008-5-9 16:53
Cool!!! 正!!!!作者: rk2 時間: 2008-5-9 16:56
好似曾經 post 過. 作者: kenny_Chui 時間: 2008-5-9 23:48
good good.......................... 作者: shaun_ccxr 時間: 2009-5-18 22:26
what brand is it??作者: @123 時間: 2009-5-18 23:22
正作者: AMAT 時間: 2009-5-19 16:26
又係FIAT YAMAHA花?作者: kfli 時間: 2009-5-26 13:37
Still 睇到 the YOUTUBE
The Yamaha is very fast & realistic.
It really cool but not suitable in HK, because no such big enough area to play it.作者: vga 時間: 2009-5-27 13:24
So good!!!