原帖由 simontam 於 2008-5-30 13:45 發表
原裝ESC 最高可以頂到幾多turn motor--------12T
option parts------http://www.integy.com/cgi-bin/webc.cgi/st_main.html?p_catid=118
原帖由 simontam 於 2008-5-30 13:45 發表
原裝ESC 最高可以頂到幾多turn motor--------12T
option parts------http://www.integy.com/cgi-bin/webc.cgi/st_main.html?p_catid=118
原帖由 mikewu 於 2008-5-30 16:27 發表
There are actually a lot of suspension parts that shares with Savages (GP) but I wouldn't suggest that... I have once put longer shocks and wheels from GP Savages into my E-zilla and snaped the wh ...
原帖由 tatame 於 2008-5-30 17:14 發表
thanks for the advice, 其實我最想換既係d 金屬A arm, bumper ~~ by the way 如果真係想換大小小既wheel 又安全有無選擇??
我都唔多清楚SAVAGE GP 有幾大架, 個wheel 有幾大! thanks
原帖由 simontam 於 2008-5-30 19:21 發表
車最重要第一件option係換savage x 8支彔色彈弓或 6支彔色加2支藍色,原裝紅彈弓100%是垃圾,如果你跑TKO用原裝的話,就算你點setting,我肯定你番車多過玩車。
加大碌4支萬向易斷需換e-maxx萬向,或用e-savage17mm ...
原帖由 move7648 於 2008-5-31 13:26 發表
why dont u consider "E-firestorm"??
i have only been TKO party once a time
and i have seen 2 E-firesotrm running
very very unlucky, i was immediately 中毒!
thnaks mike and j!!
原帖由 move7648 於 2008-5-31 13:29 發表
personly, i may say,
i wish to play a RWD,
i already have 3 touring (2 x 4wd, 1 x fwd), 1 m-car (4wd), and 1 big foot (also 4wd)
so i really waana try RWD car! (DT02 vs E-firestorm)
原帖由 mikewu 於 2008-6-2 11:23 發表
I use stock... no problem in TKO offroad sand... I think you have "flipping" problem when you play on hard ground.....
you can install "wheely bar" for Savages to solve the problem..... just like ...
原帖由 simontam 於 2008-6-2 13:43 發表
原裝麽打12cell限滑鬆1/2圈,14cell 3/4圈。
ESC加6V 35mm風扇,正負見圖。
原帖由 mikewu 於 2008-6-2 11:24 AM 發表
DT02 is a totally different thing compare with the E-firestorm.... E-firestorm is much stronger and easier to handle (with wider wheels), and the plastic parts for HPI are much better than Tamiya
原帖由 move7648 於 2008-6-3 00:13 發表
plastic parts problems is the mainly consideration why i still not buy DT02, even MS edition
so, i think E-firestorm is my last choice
hope i can run mine with ...
原帖由 mikewu 於 2008-6-3 17:30 發表
I use Parma School bus shell for mine and it fits ok! And I know a brother here use Porsche Cayanne Body and it fits as well!!
原帖由 mikewu 於 2008-6-3 17:35 發表
The track is no longer in business lu....... It used to call FSY in Tin Shui Wai
Anyway, I love American musle cars too......... I am putting a Chevy El Comino shell on as next shell... it' ...
原帖由 tatame 於 2008-6-3 17:41 發表
好可惜 香港已經無乜場可以俾呢架大怪物玩~~ 我之前都買左個chevy shell ~ 不過係SS ~~ 你個新shell 整好記住post上黎分享下 HPI 其中一樣吸引我就係多muscle car shell ~~ 日本仔唔識貨又愛國好小出呢d ...
原帖由 mikewu 於 2008-9-26 15:47 發表
Nice wheels and tires! I forgot to ask you last Sunday, how are those tires handle in TKO sand?
原帖由 tatame 於 2008-9-26 17:33 發表
唔建議用~~ tire 紋太淺 玩off road 唔咬地, 如果想換大小小鈴不如用呢隻, 同我而家用緊o個隻一樣, 小小modification 就用到
原帖由 kaidogg 於 2008-11-11 15:06 發表
其實...... 我係玩飛jump (jump 過一條行人路 要撞鐵lan 整斷的
元朗南生 ...
原帖由 kaidogg 於 2008-11-11 15:42 發表
:lol :lol
OR 試車
原帖由 62781916 於 2008-11-18 01:03 發表
有無得睇下 裹面 呀c兄thx!.. wa 你果4隻腳 幾錢呀買左 ..重有果4隻銀色下臂
我都玩個d ka 車..有力快..好玩 但係 9骨好快ko
原帖由 kaidogg 於 2008-11-21 09:38 發表
but... 我睇 proline 個網價都成 $250 hk .. 計埋運都唔差得遠$300
e-savage 同 dual hunter ww
原帖由 tatame 於 2008-11-21 14:21 發表
通常我地成班人上網訂就平d 因為可以share shipping ~~ 而且proline d 殼硬淨好多, 無HPI o個d咁軟身!又多美國車選擇
你唔好又俾我咬多野買架emaxx 返黎
原帖由 tatame 於 2008-11-18 09:36 發表
好, 我遲小小post裡入面, 入面有套NOVAK HV MAXX 5.5R 無刷
tire 係proline 40 series, wheel 係 Axial oversized wheel 加埋約$600
4隻銀色下臂係integy 出品
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