作者: terencelyl7411 時間: 2008-6-15 17:19
Great ESC , Unlimited Motor Turn.
I'm still finding for my own use !作者: ter037 時間: 2008-6-15 17:26
WA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NO LIMITED GA~~~~個fd俾左我~~~~~我上網睇係唔係有個野可以connect pc set ga~~~~
haha~~~e家我都係用係部old formula到ja~~~~~作者: terencelyl7411 時間: 2008-6-15 17:45
Yes , that's have a setting card and you can edit the curve of your ESC by the PDA like setting card. Also it has a wire to connect to PC too . But both of them are difficult to find now !作者: ter037 時間: 2008-6-18 23:48
唔好意思AR~~~~~~~~~~~~~個esc 2000後面有個J字ga~~~~~~~~~~~~~