原帖由 marketer 於 2006-4-25 01:13 發表
How much?
原帖由 Patrick6 於 2006-4-25 01:04 發表
今日放左工後.........唔知點解走左去廣華街...........唔知點解走左入一間"模型舖".............唔知點解同個老細吹吹下水講起"Hellfire"................跟住唔知點解個老細開左一 ...
原帖由 WTO 於 2006-4-25 06:06 發表
原帖由 Patrick6 於 2006-4-25 08:12 發表
不過真係very happy!
原帖由 iCoke 於 2006-4-25 02:53 發表
哈哈~ wto放毒成功啵 恭喜晒 patrick 有部正野玩~~~一見到d紫色金屬就醒神晒 一個字(正)
原帖由 Patrick6 於 2006-4-25 01:04 發表
今日放左工後.........唔知點解走左去廣華街...........唔知點解走左入一間"模型舖".............唔知點解同個老細吹吹下水講起"Hellfire"................跟住唔知點解個老細開左一 ...
原帖由 WTO 於 2006-4-25 06:39 AM 發表
原帖由 Patrick6 於 2006-4-25 08:43 發表
WTO 兄, 請問你架車有無跟呢個charger? 我架車無跟.
原帖由 mikewu 於 2006-4-25 10:10 發表
Oh... I also want to give you credit for you actually "BUY" instead of "ALL TALK"................ So many questions asked these days but only few people actually make the actio ...
原帖由 Patrick6 於 2006-4-25 10:24 發表
I buy the truggy because.........
1) It is really interesting for play.
2) It is really beatiful.
3) The main reason is...... I just give up to play the expensive helicopter and ...
原帖由 Patrick6 於 2006-4-25 10:24 AM 發表
I buy the truggy because.........
1) 中左WTO兄降頭....
2) It is really interesting for play.
3) It is really beatiful.
4) The main reason is...... I just give up to play the expensive ...
原帖由 mark999hk 於 2006-4-25 10:34 發表
I am poor too ar~~
我要七、八月出車-----------Hellfire,你 ...
原帖由 mikewu 於 2006-4-25 10:10 發表
Oh... I also want to give you credit for you actually "BUY" instead of "ALL TALK"................ So many questions asked these days but only few people actually make the actio ...
原帖由 SunLi 於 2006-4-25 10:52 AM 發表
「正」遲D Team Amtma 多一架Truggy!!!!!!
原帖由 mark999hk 於 2006-4-25 10:34 發表
I am poor too ar~~
我要七、八月出車-----------Hellfire,你 ...
原帖由 WTO 於 2006-4-25 11:04 AM 發表
原帖由 mark999hk 於 2006-4-25 10:57 發表
Sunny~~~heehee~~~buy together la~~~
原帖由 SunLi 於 2006-4-25 11:10 AM 發表
Hope my HN truggy can be still alive in coming few months, otherwise we'll buy it together.......
you know there is some tough off-road members in Team Amtma
原帖由 mark999hk 於 2006-4-25 11:12 發表
Good~~wait for your good news~~
原帖由 Oakfield 於 2006-4-25 11:18 AM 發表
Who answer wiil be that guy.
原帖由 SunLi 於 2006-4-25 11:10 發表
Hope my HN truggy can be still alive in coming few months, otherwise we'll buy it together.......
you know there is some tough off-road members in Team Amtma
原帖由 mark999hk 於 2006-4-25 10:34 發表
I am poor too ar~~
我要七、八月出車-----------Hellfire,你 ...
原帖由 Oakfield 於 2006-4-25 11:22 AM 發表
都有性趣整部hellfire, Mark; Sunny. 不如......................
原帖由 Oakfield 於 2006-4-25 11:20 發表
HN truggy 唔行得, 咪通知吓我, 睇吓價位收留佢
原帖由 SunLi 於 2006-4-25 11:23 AM 發表
Mark, now you know who is he!!!
原帖由 SunLi 於 2006-4-25 11:23 發表
Mark, now you know who is he!!!
原帖由 mark999hk 於 2006-4-25 11:23 發表
原帖由 Oakfield 於 2006-4-25 11:28 發表
慘被sunny條粉腸搬上枱玩添, 都係急閃先
原帖由 Oakfield 於 2006-4-25 11:30 AM 發表
原帖由 mark999hk 於 2006-4-25 11:34 發表
吾好大我,就五月一号一齊出部 "死嘢"!!
原帖由 mark999hk 於 2006-4-25 11:34 發表
吾好大我,就五月一号一齊出部 "死嘢"!!
原帖由 mark999hk 於 2006-4-25 11:34 發表
吾好大我,就五月一号一齊出部 "死嘢"!!
原帖由 SunLi 於 2006-4-25 11:36 AM 發表
原帖由 SunLi 於 2006-4-25 11:36 發表
原帖由 SunLi 於 2006-4-25 11:36 發表
原帖由 skyjack 於 2006-4-25 11:56 AM 發表
AR!!!! i also a bit be poisoned la...... but even my SS still not run in yet =_=!!!!
btw, i heard that the kit set will be around $6k, but without engine, seem very expensive la
原帖由 skyjack 於 2006-4-25 11:56 發表
AR!!!! i also a bit be poisoned la...... but even my SS still not run in yet =_=!!!!
btw, i heard that the kit set will be around $6k, but without engine, seem very expensive la
原帖由 iCoke 於 2006-4-25 12:22 發表
o.........呢次慘 如果popo 同patrick同我一齊玩我咪比 2部hpi 惡野夾 wto 同 mark哥+入埋咪.................................
要放多d st 毒搵人幫拖先
期待入場的一天 好想睇下 hpi 大戰奸商原裝 ...
原帖由 iCoke 於 2006-4-25 13:14 發表
我如果真係買就買X1CRT PRO啦我 返正有部偈係到 不過我連枝批都未買點買車丫
原帖由 iCoke 於 2006-4-25 13:14 發表
我如果真係買就買X1CRT PRO啦我 返正有部偈係到 不過我連枝批都未買點買車丫
原帖由 Patrick6 於 2006-4-25 01:39 PM 發表
好呀!, 咁啊Mark 佢地02/05 買車, 你又買X1CRT PRO, 比一個星期你地 run engine, 咁就13/05 入場HN team Vs HellFire team 大戰啦!
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