原帖由 uncle 於 2008-8-1 22:00 發表
我當年就係在雙星年刋見到這幅相, 同細佬一人一架(馴馬師及福士甲蟲)喺水氹片車,
點知個防水倉因為冇"唧"果支原廠提供的防水gasket, 整到入晒水, 個接收同兩個
原帖由 fyin 於 2008-8-3 00:15 發表
It was my first car too, but I bought Beetle shell + Sanwa stick control
仲記得當時係向太子"長城模型到買, 套控就向偉高買既.
原帖由 chacha 於 2008-8-3 14:31 發表
我買馴馬師,係0係長旺街德昌(唔記得0個度係街定係道),不經不覺已經 20幾年,(最記得係16歲剛剛出0黎做野第一次出糧當年好似要 $500幾,半份糧,跟住餐餐食麵飽
原帖由 fat_fat_cat 於 2008-8-4 23:47 發表
I bought it at YMT sun sing, $310, and didn't allow me use the couple in model world., futaba T2L and Sun Sun, $310, at the time just release, 78 or 79??
Plus tiger c hing, had back to hobby, ask g ...
原帖由 tiger1 於 2008-8-7 14:56 發表
No lah, this ball diff was made by thorp. About 2002, a group of hobbyist at another website remade this in South africa, cost USD$55 each but now, you are lucky to find one for >USD$100
原帖由 tiger1 於 2008-8-7 14:56 發表
No lah, this ball diff was made by thorp. About 2002, a group of hobbyist at another website remade this in South africa, cost USD$55 each but now, you are lucky to find one for >USD$100
原帖由 tiger1 於 2008-8-8 07:51 發表
no new project lah ... except my Intruder ex, inturder, yokomom BX4, mugen bulldog....
my thorp differential last quite well, I have been running it and only loosened once.
I had the thorp and MIP SRB diff, MIP gear was made of aluminium, a little too soft . Thorp is difinitely better and more sturdy.
原帖由 minimini 於 2008-8-8 14:54 發表
I got the same problem in my optima mid........the plastic middle gear in the rear gear box......which is connecting to the centre shaft gear above & the diff gear below........is so weak that it ...
原帖由 tiger1 於 2008-8-8 13:37 發表
Mip 4wd or not, I am happy with the SRB. Just need a drift gyro to take the oversteering out.
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