原帖由 minimini 於 2008-8-28 01:11 發表
wow........really good stuff !!!...........
bro Ryan.......are you using the brake fluid to clean up the shell ??.......
原帖由 monkichi0210 於 2008-8-29 01:19 發表
hahaha........bro. ryancmlam u mean u used the used brake fluid......係的話.....咁慳家........十個讚.........
原帖由 ryancmlam 於 2008-8-29 12:17 發表
Oh, sorry for my poor english. So misleading. Let me clarify, I used the brake fluid to clean the shell.
原帖由 ryancmlam 於 2008-9-6 23:02 發表
I finally repaint the shell(pls go to page 1).
I will install the Kyosho 240 motor and run it at TKO Vintage party.
Who have the sticker ?
原帖由 lin6499 於 2008-9-7 08:53 發表
I scanned it a couple of years ago.
I can send it to you if you want.
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