[ 本帖最後由 zachary 於 2008-8-29 12:59 編輯 ]作者: kenobe 時間: 2008-8-29 13:17
becoz it is a tide fitting, you have to push hard into the the big gear wheel.
Is a "must" to put 海棉 inside the 車呔, if not, the 車呔 will be to solf...作者: sunfffd 時間: 2008-8-29 13:18
可以剪剪D海綿 咬石好d作者: zachary 時間: 2008-8-29 13:36
係咪一定要裝晒果兩粒bearing 丫??
咁係咪要大力整佢入去丫 ??作者: AltezzaMak 時間: 2008-8-29 19:48
係呀, 兩粒大bearing 係好緊架, 用力推!!!作者: powis 時間: 2008-8-29 21:10
i just put one bearing intead of 2!
just concern later if change the gear then remove these 2 bearing will be super trouble!作者: markyu 時間: 2008-8-29 21:37
落小小 grease 迫入去, 入到尾. 沒有 gap. 否則大齒放不下..作者: truckman 時間: 2008-9-3 21:31
也可用木墊住用鎚打下去都得作者: zachary 時間: 2008-9-6 13:49
thx 各位, 最後我要搵個積, 壓去落去