[ 本帖最後由 tonycd 於 2008-9-17 23:18 編輯 ]作者: eg8sk 時間: 2008-9-17 20:54
冇可能!除非有干擾!作者: tonycd 時間: 2008-9-17 23:16
多謝 c hing 回覆... 其實我測個幾個地方, 包括在家中....得我一架車 ,,,問題都系 ...一"申長" 條天線 成組野.....由sevro 開始 就會偏向一邊....而家:申長" 條天線玩, 架車仲會自己轉彎.......作者: tomatob 時間: 2008-9-18 11:50
你個枝係 fm 定am?
換枝2.4g 就咩事都冇啦 作者: Administrator 時間: 2008-9-18 14:43
Testing remote in a flat can get some interference on signal rebounce (from the wall of the flat!), so you might bring your remote set to the roof and test it there.
also there should be some distance between your remote and receiver when you test it, too close can cause that problem that you having.作者: tonycd 時間: 2008-9-18 21:04
謝...等我試一試...,其實之前無架.. 個偏差都都好大下... 而且去到邊到一樣... 唔只系家中同老遠 都一樣轉彎..作者: orcatang 時間: 2008-9-18 22:55
你可以講吓你係用緊乜野電子野嘛??? 如果可以嘅話,影張相睇吓你啲電子野嘅擺位!!! 仲有嘅係你個接收有冇濕過水??? 另外, 可以搵朋友借粒band試吓, 或者係粒band作者: tonycd 時間: 2008-9-20 22:10
唔該 c hing... 可能上次落完雨之後玩所以出事, 其實個電變都換左新..之後以為開到車就無事