RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

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World Championship TQ Car

justinwan 發表於 2009-8-31 23:35:11 | 顯示全部樓層
事但la ..............主要都係想搵交吵ja ma ....嘈完就算la.....永遠都無結論,沒完沒了.....嘈多兩年又wc....到時可能top 10 十架羊......
justinwan 發表於 2009-9-1 19:36:16 | 顯示全部樓層
as my standard .  porpular just mean common ........the fact is now V8 and 966 or may be M3 is the most coomon 1:8 in the market wo .......   can u say mugen is more then V8 ?  

no 1 mention or compair V8 with 966 wo ..just yr felling. it just the problem with the market share.  no 1 said V8 more then 966 or 966 more then V8.  just u guys 發神經,揾野吵

if i like , i can say all 4 brand , shepherd , serpent , kyosho mugen all are porpular. so what .??

support for what ??this is a forum  not a court .so do u have evidence to show V8 is not porpular ?
justinwan 發表於 2009-9-1 19:36:52 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 justinwan 於 2009-9-1 19:43 編輯

仲有, 賣得多就=好車? 賣得少就係垃圾????層次吾係咁低ar ?
justinwan 發表於 2009-9-2 12:42:58 | 顯示全部樓層
都話由到到尾無人有意用架v8同966 比, 直到你出現先帶左個咁既信息出來..宜家係你吾導人.係你去扭曲人地既說話.. 人地話serpent  同shepherd 係porpular.  我認為係wo.... 好果100 架車有70架966 ,30架v8 都可以稱porpular ga wo... 你根本一開頭就係度無理取閙

仲有你根本就針對人...人地講一句你就咬住吾放幾日? 日日夜夜追擊人.你吾好同我講話你有正義感....
justinwan 發表於 2009-9-2 13:05:53 | 顯示全部樓層
咁q 簡單, 宜家shepherd 同serpent 係吾係賣得最多ar ?.....mugen  多d 定shepherd 多ar ?  咁係吾係popular ar ??   咁人地有無錯ar ?答我ar ???

你答吾答都吾緊要..我就真係吾同你din 我地有正經野做既人....就吾會一般見識亂咁吠...
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手機版|小黑屋|RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房

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