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差機 apex u+ 點係差好

binary 發表於 2006-6-7 08:33:45 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 redtigerhk 於 2006-6-6 23:29 發表

我而家慢差緊, ov 去到8.35 oa 係00.12....個fan 又唔郁, 電又唔熱, 第一次差唔知大約等幾耐呢....

Do not use its "Slow charge" function.

My experience for charging a 3700mAh battery using Apex u+:
Charge current: Around 4A
Charge time: Around 55 mins
Final output voltage: Around 9.1V

p.s. Be careful sometimes Apex will false detect the peak, that means it'll stop much earlier than expected.  Just re-charge it and take note on how many capacity did it charge before the false detection occur.

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