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drif pack一問

Edde 發表於 2006-5-27 01:10:29 | 只看該作者
原帖由 hkopium 於 2006-5-27 00:31 發表

TO Edde: E? budget 越黎越大喎 不如索性 Hellfire 啦

無錯...中毒太深,直頭係 over budget,而家重對 CRT Kit 版心思思添,
hkopium 發表於 2006-5-27 01:29:35 | 只看該作者
原帖由 Edde 於 2006-5-27 01:10 發表

無錯...中毒太深,直頭係 over budget,而家重對 CRT Kit 版心思思添,

中毒太深 咁你要同 Mikewu 或 WTO 傾多D計啦, 佢地係絕極鶴頂紅. 呵呵呵.

CRT 係咪 http://www.ofna.com/teamjammin/kits-x1crt.html

D 臂好似好單薄下咁既? 美國野? Parts 易買嗎?

[ 本帖最後由 hkopium 於 2006-5-27 01:35 編輯 ]
Edde 發表於 2006-5-27 01:48:13 | 只看該作者
原帖由 hkopium 於 2006-5-27 01:29 發表

中毒太深 咁你要同 Mikewu 或 WTO 傾多D計啦, 佢地係絕極鶴頂紅. 呵呵呵.

CRT 係咪台灣制品?

我地講到離哂題添,再講落去,比人將個 post 再轉去越野車區都似.;P


"絕極鶴頂紅" wa...你咁好文化呀.....哈

parts 易買 11/F 樓有好多, JAMMIN 出品 TQ & No.1 in racing,嗰部係 Kit 版,

[ 本帖最後由 Edde 於 2006-5-27 02:34 編輯 ]
lolman 發表於 2006-5-27 01:49:39 | 只看該作者
原帖由 Edde 於 2006-5-27 01:10 發表

無錯...中毒太深,直頭係 over budget,而家重對 CRT Kit 版心思思添,

edde 兄 GP 都玩埋.....真係有米.....
Edde 發表於 2006-5-27 02:04:51 | 只看該作者
原帖由 lolman 於 2006-5-27 01:49 發表

edde 兄 GP 都玩埋.....真係有米.....

唔好玩我喇....lolman 兄....米....我要儲架.
andrewlio 發表於 2006-5-27 07:24:50 | 只看該作者
原帖由 hkopium 於 2006-5-27 00:21 發表
The definition of drifting is:

Drifting refers either to a driving technique utilizing a difference in slip angle between the front and rear tires of a car, or to a sport based on the technique. ...

mikewu 發表於 2006-5-27 11:30:11 | 只看該作者
原帖由 Edde 於 2006-5-27 01:10 發表

無錯...中毒太深,直頭係 over budget,而家重對 CRT Kit 版心思思添,

Brother Edde,

CRT Kit is super nice.  It's a good choice!  My STS engine recently dies and I have bought a OS 3.0 which I am going to install soon.    My goal is to beat Mr. Crunch (if you go offroad section enough, you'll know who he is)
Mr. Crunch is very detail on this cars.  He cleans and rebuild his truggy so well everytime we go play and everytime we see him before going to play, you can actually "lick" the chassis because it's so clean!!  He is a CRT expert too.. If you want to know more, you can consult with him.
As far as over budget on the Hellfire, since you can wait, you can wait for the Hellfire SS kit which should come out within the next 2 months and price should be a little cheaper but depends on what engine you put on, the budget can end up be higher than CRT PRO kit... Brother WTO is the one to talk to....
As far as GP, the CRT is my first GP and as you can tell, my skills is terriable because I killed an engine after maybe 10 runs...  Ask Brother Skyline for all GP related question becasue he plays nothing but GPs!  (Large Snakes, Medium Snakes, Small Snakes, LST2... etc etc etc...)  He's my See Fu lai ga!  
mikewu 發表於 2006-5-27 11:31:45 | 只看該作者
原帖由 hkopium 於 2006-5-27 01:29 發表

中毒太深 咁你要同 Mikewu 或 WTO 傾多D計啦, 佢地係絕極鶴頂紅. 呵呵呵.

CRT 係咪 http://www.ofna.com/teamjammin/kits-x1crt.html

D 臂好似好單薄下咁既? 美國野? Parts 易 ...

I think brother Opium should get into this bussiness too............  ;P
Edde 發表於 2006-5-27 19:45:48 | 只看該作者
Brother Mike~~

Ha.....我就係" go offroad section enough" ,所以先泥足深陷,
hkopium 又踩埋入黎 ??? .......呵呵.......咁就好 la.
anyway,thank you for your advise,
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