thanks for your comment, if you want to find the losi shocks, you can try:, i think the shock from XX4, XXXCR etc. are the same, maybe you just need to change some parts which you need, otherwise, go to that www, can find all you need! hope can help you~
you need to find the parts by parts, no in set of it.
you better to find the exploded view from, will easy to find out the parts no. which you need~
不過就要xxx-t 個份限滑了,因為xxx cr的彈弓比較長,入不了,但xxx-t的彈弓可以的話也cut一點就不會太硬了~總之一句改到嘔!好彩比我在快X找到兩份~
toe in:我是試4度,因為參考過依架車D team driver絕大部份用4度rather than 3度~
rear spring: ok啦,just arm level,spring用pink, 也是參考眾 team driver的,當然我有機會也會試清楚,我之前的xxx cr, atomic carbon s4也是用pink spring, arm level, 都ok~
那個藍色的確是OP motor plate, from E speed, 我覺得必換,本身是膠料…