Just bought a SCX10 a few days ago in KWS, 16XX. This is the first time dealing with Axial Product. There are many error on the manual, the part no. is not correct. (Tamiya is the best on this front)
There are some aluminium rods (2 paris of v-shaped forks and 4 straight ones). Do you know whether the rod-end of those 4 straight rods should be straight OR the bent one (like those of the v-shaped forks)?
Can any C Hing help to share some photos of yr SCX10?
(now working in office and may share some photos tonight about what the problem are)
In fact, it is not very difficult. I finished the front and rear hub, shocks and chasis in 4 hrs last night. But just a bit frustrated due to the poor manual.
BTW, i am not sure there is anything wrong with the installation of shock. It is very hard.
Have to go home now and hope to finish tonight and have a trial run without shell.