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kf5jerry 發表於 2009-11-12 00:27:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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小弟想加入12仔行列, 都已經睇過不少文, 但都有d唔明, 希望各ching幫幫手
我見到有ching話用4cell電, 即5.6v玩4.5r, 5.5r速度ok, 但如果玩9.5r會唔夠力推, why? 咁齒比會係幾多?(用4.5r,5.5r), 咁快的話如果係波地玩(好平果d)ok嗎?(因為波地好大塵, d呔咬唔咬?) 係咪一定要用細servo? 最後R5.1與CRC Gen-XL的操控, 評價如何(不要計parts易買呢個因素, cat shop有大量parts)因我見各有各fans, 有ching有幾款車在手, 我想知道它們的分別.

麻煩各ching, thank you!!
hardmankam 發表於 2009-11-12 00:55:59 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 hardmankam 於 2009-11-12 00:57 編輯

1. new player: 4 cell + 9.5 is good speed
4 cell + 5.5r/4.5r is world class speed already.

2. 5.5r -> 96/22

3. 波地玩 ... good luck to your chassis and ball diff.

4. 細servo -> yes

5. 5.1R ... world champion
but i have CRC and i like it a lot.  very high quality car.
gimsink 發表於 2009-11-12 09:32:37 | 只看該作者
I had a Kawada 1/12 many many many years ago, played it just a few days and give up 1/12 forever, 1st it's very difficult to play good, 2nd football court is 1/12 killer, 3rd no carpet ground, 4th shell damp ugly!
 樓主| kf5jerry 發表於 2009-11-12 15:27:08 | 只看該作者
Thanks for 兩位ching意見, 好同意ching"gimsink"第4th意見
但如果波地唔得, 點解灣仔橋底又ok? 果度咁油咁洗
hardmankam 發表於 2009-11-12 20:43:12 | 只看該作者
灣仔橋底, you need 3 things:
1) 'ghost' tires, this will give you grip at the track
2) good skills, because the area is small and there are concrete barriers
3) need to clean car every time you play there since its so oily there
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