I have. My friends also bought the same motor... same situation there!! that means... it's the inherent quality problems of those Hackmoto Motors from RC-Mart.
Don't buy them again if trust me... c hing !! of coz u can buy and try this 15 min. experience la... AMAT ching...
No ar. Same car same setting same gear ratio, team power fan black pig lasts for few months la.
Also, my frds have different gear ratio.. also overheat then break down after 15 min.
My frd used original gear ratio of TT-01: 19-61 (slowest possible already la). Motor still burns down in 15 min....
Also, "短時間高速用" means that we shall use it for less than 1 pack of Lipo Run ?!??? how short should we play it then if we get a new 15T later??? like 5 min.??
pls give advice, ching. Thanks.