近日小弟有隻 motor 有問題
我用隻"他表"他隻motor 既 A, B, C 既線口
A 對 B, 冇限大
A 對 C, 冇限大
B 對 C, 通的
A 對 B, 冇限大
A 對 C, 冇限大
B 對 C, 冇限大
另外我有隻冇問題既 motor
我又"他"下佢,但result 同之前唔同的...
A 對 B, 通的
A 對 C, 通的
B 對 C, 通的
Ohms; This is the resistance of the wire to flow of electricity. Or thinking of the difference between a small diameter hose and a large diameter hose. The range of ohms goes from zero to infinity. Zero ohms is when it's real easy for the electricity to flow. A reading of infinity is when there is no path for the electricity to go through.
All my 3 good motors has infinity ohms between A,B&C.
hardmankam hing,
if 2 test points have infinite ohms, that means they are NOT connected. the resistance of 2 connected points should be zero (or several ohms).
michealp hing,
it is likley that the coil A of your problematic motor is open circuited. i.e. something wrong