according to my working experience with china RF equipments (mostly WiFi), i found the reason why they are being so powerful is that they don't adhere to the power requirements. that is, using a power level larger than normally allowed.
in US, they have strict requirement by the FCC, so strict that any mobile phones has to be submitted to FCC prior release. you can see the FCC certification on the RF equipments.
i didn't test the china RC equipment, but my guess is that they just turn up the power (very easy to implement), thus they can stand out from other brands while jamming others. it is not they are being 'smarter', just they don't follow the rules.
think of it as sound level, it is like in a restaurant ppl are talking using normal level but someone is talking using amplifiers, how can others hear?
back to the RC ring, FHSS based system is more likely to be jammed under this case. I think futaba is using FHSS (probably incl FASST as well) but Spektrum (and perhaps KO if my memory is correct) is using spread spektrum coding like CDMA. next time CHING can obseve if the spektrum system jam as well when futaba get jammed. I bet spektrum should stay better and that's the reason why I didn't choose futaba and found them overpriced with simple FHSS.....