本帖最後由 lingryan 於 2011-5-12 12:10 編輯
11/5晚, 試左幾次先set到中位, 本身又冇說明書, 冇原裝盒, 個電變底既 s/n number又磨走左, 所有野都奇奇怪怪
1. Set program card
睇到條片裡面set做 lipo2, 原本係nicd/nimh, 我估set做 lipo2冇衰掛...
2. Set 中位最後係睇以下英文教學才成功 :
Step to connect RX/TX (set 前後and中位):
a. Connect the receiver with ESC
b. Press down and hold the “SET” button (It is side by the switch) and switch on the esc
c. See 藍 light on then release the “SET” button
d. Set the "油門" to full acceleration position (will see the 紅 & 黃 lights flash briefly and then illuminated.)
e. 放開油門
f. Set the "Brake" lever fully (will see the 黃 & 藍 lights flash briefly and then illuminated)
g. 放開Brake
h. Set 中位, 無需按油門 or Brake (will see the 綠 & 紅 lights flash briefly and illuminated )
i. 如setting 冇問題, 所有燈號會熄滅
j. Switch off the ESC. And you can use it when you switch on the ESC again.
PS : 如Set 錯的話, 發現燈號會亂
PS : 如Set 錯的話, 就關上電變, 從新按紅色set按紐, 等藍燈, 去setting mode 從頭來過
PS : Set左 30min, motor曾發癲狂轉, Infinite 100A 只是微暖
PS : setting時, 奇怪motor齒唔轉, 但係motor轉?! 仲要有煙出-_-a...原來機米鎖得唔好...motor軸"生磨"機米...
PS : 希望唔好比我玩到燒啦-_-